If your eye doctor informs you that you have dry eye, it means that your eyes no longer produce adequate tears, the tears drain too quickly, or the consistency of the tears is improper. Patients with dry eye symptoms often report significant discomfort. If left untreated, dry eyes may even lead to complications. Talk to your eye doctor about dry eye treatment near Windham, and read on for more information about this condition.
Your eye doctor might determine that you have aqueous tear-deficient dry eye. This occurs when your lacrimal glands are not able to produce sufficient amounts of the watery substance necessary for tear production. Tears are comprised of water, oil, and mucus. A problem with any of these components leads to an imbalance in tear composition. Evaporative dry eye is the type of dry eye that involves excessively rapid evaporation of the tears from the surface of the eye. Quite often, an evaporative dry eye occurs when individuals do not blink often enough. Insufficient blinking is frequently a result of staring at a computer screen for prolonged periods of time.
Without proper treatment, dry eyes can have an adverse effect on your eye health. Tears play an essential role in protecting your eyes from infection. This means that dry eyes may increase the likelihood of a serious eye infection. In addition, severe dry eyes can increase the risk of eye inflammation, corneal abrasion, corneal ulcers, and vision problems.
Treatment Options
Treating mild, occasional dry eye symptoms may be as simple as applying over-the-counter artificial tears. However, many people with dry eye symptoms require more aggressive treatment options. Depending on the underlying cause of the condition, patients might take drugs to reduce eyelid or cornea inflammation. Another possible treatment option involves placing punctal plugs in the tear ducts. These tiny silicone plugs can keep tears on the eye longer.